Specification History

SWS Version Created Specification ID Title Specification Objective Supporting Materials Rationale Status
Version 2020 14/08/2020 - 14:26 5.0201.1c Thermostat location

Install thermostat where it accurately reflects the temperature of the zone which it controls (i.e., not exposed to extreme temperatures, radiant heat sources, warm/cold walls, or drafts) and meets ADA accessibility requirements when applicable

Controls operate as designed and are accessible

Black Line
Version 2020 14/08/2020 - 14:26 5.0201.1c Thermostat location

Install thermostat where it accurately reflects the temperature of the zone which it controls (i.e., not exposed to extreme temperatures, radiant heat sources, warm/cold walls, or drafts) and meets ADA accessibility requirements when applicable

Controls operate as designed and are accessible

Black Line