Specification History

SWS Version Created Specification ID Title Specification Objective Supporting Materials Rationale Status
Version 2020 14/08/2020 - 14:27 6.0303.1h Combining air streams

If combining ducts, combine them on the upstream side of fan using "Y"-fittings or collection boxes

Do not combine/connect dryer, kitchen, or garage exhaust streams with any other exhaust stream

Effective, safe exhaust of air from multiport systems

Black Line
Version 2020 14/08/2020 - 14:27 6.0303.1h Combining air streams

If combining ducts, combine them on the upstream side of fan using "Y"-fittings or collection boxes

Do not combine/connect dryer, kitchen, or garage exhaust streams with any other exhaust stream

Effective, safe exhaust of air from multiport systems

Black Line