Specification History

SWS Version Created Specification ID Title Specification Objective Supporting Materials Rationale Status
Version 2020 14/08/2020 - 14:27 6.0303.1o Fire dampers

If fire dampers are required in the fresh air supply duct, install them according to applicable building code

Fire dampers must be accessible for inspection and/or testing

Sealing activities must not interfere with the operation of fire dampers, balancing dampers, or backdraft dampers

Fire dampers function effectively and are accessible

Black Line
Version 2020 14/08/2020 - 14:27 6.0303.1o Fire dampers

If fire dampers are required in the fresh air supply duct, install them according to applicable building code

Fire dampers must be accessible for inspection and/or testing

Sealing activities must not interfere with the operation of fire dampers, balancing dampers, or backdraft dampers

Fire dampers function effectively and are accessible

Black Line