Specification History

SWS Version Created Specification ID Title Specification Objective Supporting Materials Rationale Status
Version 2020 08/14/2020 - 14:23 3.0202.1h Exterior weatherproofing

Replace any missing/damaged weatherproofing on exterior portions of door (seals, flashing, glazing, caulking, sealant, paint, etc.)

Seal any holes in frame left by abandoned hardware

Adjust and seal threshold as needed

Prevent water intrusion

Black Line
Version 2020 08/14/2020 - 14:23 3.0202.1h Exterior weatherproofing

Replace any missing/damaged weatherproofing on exterior portions of door (seals, flashing, glazing, caulking, sealant, paint, etc.)

Seal any holes in frame left by abandoned hardware

Adjust and seal threshold as needed

Prevent water intrusion

Black Line