Specification History

SWS Version Created Specification ID Title Specification Objective Supporting Materials Rationale Status
Version 2020 08/14/2020 - 14:24 4.0202.1g Close access hole

Exterior access holes will be closed as follows:

Plug holes in sheathing with durable materials and seal with weatherproof exterior sealant

Close weather barrier and seal seams with compatible sealant tape

Reinstall exterior cladding and secured with mechanical fasteners

Interior access holes will be closed as follows:

Interior holes will be coated and patched to match original interior surface characteristics or covered with trim as agreed upon with client

Airtight, durable hole closure

Black Line
Version 2020 08/14/2020 - 14:24 4.0202.1g Close access hole

Exterior access holes will be closed as follows:

Plug holes in sheathing with durable materials and seal with weatherproof exterior sealant

Close weather barrier and seal seams with compatible sealant tape

Reinstall exterior cladding and secured with mechanical fasteners

Interior access holes will be closed as follows:

Interior holes will be coated and patched to match original interior surface characteristics or covered with trim as agreed upon with client

Airtight, durable hole closure

Black Line