Specification History

SWS Version Created Specification ID Title Specification Objective Supporting Materials Rationale Status
Version 2020 08/14/2020 - 14:28 7.0303.4c Location

Install gauges:

so they can be easily read (e.g., not facing the wall, or so high a ladder or stool is needed to access)

so they are not adversely affected by other equipment through heat conduction

Install surface-mount thermometers so that thermocouple for digital gauges is tight to the pipe and wrapped with insulation to exclude ambient temperature

Install wet-mount thermometers so they are not in an air pocket (e.g., install on side of pipe, not on top of side-plumbed tanks)

Install pressure gauges so they are not adversely affected by turbulent flow and vibration

Easily accessible gauges that provide accurate measurements

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Version 2020 08/14/2020 - 14:28 7.0303.4c Location

Install gauges:

so they can be easily read (e.g., not facing the wall, or so high a ladder or stool is needed to access)

so they are not adversely affected by other equipment through heat conduction

Install surface-mount thermometers so that thermocouple for digital gauges is tight to the pipe and wrapped with insulation to exclude ambient temperature

Install wet-mount thermometers so they are not in an air pocket (e.g., install on side of pipe, not on top of side-plumbed tanks)

Install pressure gauges so they are not adversely affected by turbulent flow and vibration

Easily accessible gauges that provide accurate measurements

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