Tank Insulation

Detail ID 7.0301.2
Water Heating
Thermal Loss Reduction
Desired Outcome

Safely reduce standby loss from storage tanks

SF Single Family Site-Built Housing
MH Manufactured Housing
MF Multifamily Housing


  • SF
  • MH
  • MF
Specification Objective

Verify tank is not labeled as prohibiting insulation

Verify sufficient space exists to wrap tank

Verify tank can be insulated

  • SF
  • MH
  • MF
Specification Objective

Select an insulation that:

is a minimum of R-10

has a flame spread and smoke development index of 25/450 or less when tested in accordance with ASTM E84 or UL 723

is clearly labeled with R-value

Select safe and effective insulation of the correct R-value

  • SF
  • MH
  • MF
Specification Objective

Install insulation according to manufacturer specifications over entire storage tank while ensuring that insulation does not obstruct pressure relief valve, plumbing pipes, gas valves, combustion air intakes, etc.

Permanently secure insulation with minimal compression

Seal all seams and edges airtight using compatible and durable tape

Safe, effective, and durable installation

  • SF
  • MH
  • MF
Specification Objective

Maintain a minimum clearance of 6" between combustible tank insulation and fuel-fired water heater draft hood and/or single wall metal vent materials

Do not wrap the top of fuel-fired water heaters or cover combustion air intakes

Maintain a minimum clearance of 6" or the distance specified by the manufacturer between combustible tank insulation and fuel-fired water heater draft hood and/or single wall metal vent materials

Do not wrap the top of fuel-fired water heaters or cover combustion air intakes

Prevent a fire hazard

Prevent a fire hazard

  • SF
  • MH
  • MF
Specification Objective

Pre-cut flaps at access plates and label them clearly indicating access purpose

Tape access flaps closed

Provide easy service access and prevent future damage to insulation

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Pipe Insulation
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Thermal Loss Reduction
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Drain Heat Recovery